Monday, April 9, 2012

Beggars Are Growing Rich !

There are many beggars around the world who are financially very strong now, but doesn't come under any income tax. Are we not responsible in helping out these beggars by feeding them and donating money for their life? beggars are growing in numbers now and has also become a big problem in some of the countries as they are left to themselves without working as they are also happy begging to get their daily bread and nice money.

I have witnessed some beggars who are physically strong, but not willing to work because of laziness and also because of the people like us who do feed them when we see them around. In a way, we are also heavily responsible for spoiling our own system by feeding these physically strong beggars who are just lazy to work. They have become more lazy these days as they are getting everything free. There are many beggars reported to be financially rich now owning 2-3 cars and also home of  their own without even getting any help from bank like us ! more over these beggars do not even come under any taxing systems even after earning this big ! These beggars can afford their own house, car and all such luxuries of life without doing anything in life except begging.

Government has to look into matters like these as there are many beggars now who are living a luxurious life with minimal effort. Are we also not responsible for these things? there has to be some sort of committee to look into these matters which is a real shame for any country. Physically strong beggars should not be given alms and it is our responsibility to make them work for their daily bread. These beggars seems to be the tension less souls living around now. These problems are already in the advanced stage now as number of beggars are increasing as they also know peoples weakness of giving them food and money .They should be dealt properly as early as possible. Social awareness should be created among people regarding these beggars.
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