Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Year 2012-The World Ending Fear !

What is it that makes scientists world over believe in world ending in 2012 ! In all sense 2012 has become a scary year for all of us as if the above story turns out true, we will not be in a position to discuss anything and  otherwise we are all here to discuss this isn't it? There are website advertisements asking us on how we will celebrate our last new year! even if we try to forget this scary stories, these media will make us remember these things. Though there are also some scientists who say that earth will never end this soon as it is still having thousand years of life.

Science has not developed so much as been informed. Science has still not given proper answers to some of the basic things like number of planets as they say that number is more than 12 now and also science has never provided any answer in finding life in other planets so far. There is still not much advancement in finding cure to some of the deadly diseases like AIDS, cancer etc. So, we can all just hope that science predictions of earth ending its life is not exactly correct and earth will survive 2012 and we get to live as long as we are here. There are many unknown mysteries happening all around the world and many of us do believe in it while rest of us don't even believe in these mysteries as science has never been explaining these things which has made many of us confused.

But looking at the recent disasters occurred around the world, 2012 may see some major disasters like earthquake, Typhoon etc  which may result in heavy loss, but world ending at once may not be true according to my views. When people fail to get solutions to problems like over population, terrorism etc, earth will take its own action by creating major disasters resulting in many loss of lives. We should all respect god's nature and we should respect each other and live happily together here in god's own world without being selfish and helping each other when in need. World might change drastically when we human beings change for good is my strong belief. Now god also might have be angry seeing these worst kind of people in most of us indulging in bad activities and destroying nature and also setting a bad example

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