We do face many problems in our lifetime which are very very tough to pass through. There will be solutions for each and every problem but only very optimistic people will be able to work through that without much of problem. Sometimes things will be very bad that we might have to ask for help with friends or even blood relatives. Whom do you think will be better to depend on these circumstances?
All friends cannot be trusted as most of the so called friends are only for name sake as they will be of selfish characters worried only about their own things. When you are doing really well, these friends will be around you all the time and when they see you facing problems, they just avoid you. These day's it is very difficult to have one true friend who can be trusted and is ready to be with you helping you out even in your darkest hours. As the saying goes-"A true friend is one who walks in when the whole world walks out" This holds so much meaning at these times. If you really think you have a true friend whom you can depend on, you have to be very lucky for sure
Relatives on the other hand will be most of the time jealous about you doing well and will be waiting for you to face problems and go down in life. They will be happy seeing you in pain. But there are also good relatives like your parents who will be there with you giving good advice, moving out with you to sort out real problems of your life. Problems might be of different kinds like financial problem, family problems, job problems etc. It is really hurting to see people feeling jealous when you are doing good isn't it? one should also get involved in others happiness and problems like in olden days where people were never jealous of these kind or not at all selfish. So, it is all left to you on whom to depend on and most of the times in my experience it is only your relatives who come to your help at these times
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