Monday, April 16, 2012

Restriction on Getting Married in Old Age

Marrying Very Late

Some people  get married very late and there are others who get married  very early . Both cases here are not good as these are not the proper age to settle down in life. But, the most surprising of all is getting married even after the age of around 75-80 ! Though this is not common, there are many people these day's who get married  late and of course most of these people are rich. What do you think of their decision to get married at this age? is it their money power which makes them get married even at the fag end of their life?  Isl the girl getting married to him is really interested in him or is it again the money factor which makes her marry him? there are many unanswered questions like these in such cases and we do hear  such stories quite regularly these day's now

Unpredictable Life

Life has become very unpredictable now and also we get to hear so many strange stories  all around the world. Some people don't even believe or hear to such unbelievable stories as they will be busy all the time and don't even have  time to think of all these things. Recently i heard of a rich old man getting married to a girl who is somewhat 50-60 years younger to him ! He died 8 months after his marriage and all the property of his has now gone to his wife. This does make us believe that most of these young women getting married to these rich old person are only after money as we cannot find any other valid reason for them marrying someone who is more than 50-years older than her. Life has become very artificial these days as some people are ready to do anything just for the sake of money

Young Women Looking at Money

Though these young women do get very huge money when their old husband dies , this is not a good trend as we also see these young women  get married again. Sometimes, if these old men who marry young women live for another 10 years or so, then these women may not get married again as they also might have passed right marrying age and solution to them might be again to find a young boy who is after money. Sometimes in this case, the young boy may also try some evil methods to eliminate these old women to get money. So, all in all these type of marriages are not good to society at all. Why not get a law restricting marriage after certain age? This does make sense as so many young men and women will be saved of these unwanted marriages happening just for money

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