Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Resolutions for the New-Year?

There are many people in the world waiting for the new-year with waited breath as it is a celebration time and also resolution time for them. Many people do fall for new-year to make resolutions to come out of their bad addiction or any other new ventures they might be starting and these days it is not only youngsters, but almost everybody seems to be following this. If they really keep up the resolutions it is well and good as for most of them these resolutions are meant only for a short time as then it will be continuing as it was before which is not good. If anyone is waiting for so long and keep resolutions for their own good, they should also stick to that.

It is not only on new-year occasions, but people create so many occasions like birthday's, independence day etc to resolve some things in their life. I know one friend of mine who was completely addicted to heavy smoking which was really at a worse condition and his health was deteriorating very fats as he just could not come out of this problem. We all friends tried many things like getting him admitted in De-addiction center etc but it was of no use at those times. At last i was able to motivate him on his will power and was merely forced to he kept an resolution to quit smoking on his mom's birthday and we knew it was the last source for him, he managed to keep up his resolution and quit smoking for ever and now he is a happy man. But everybody cannot be like him as will power is not common in all and it is not at all easy to meet the standard of expectation in any field. It is always good to see people succeed in this, but also bad to see many people fail in this as they are not able to take it serious and make it happen.

In my case, i never fall into such things like resolutions as it sounds silly for me ! I always feel i can do anything or can stop any bad habit if i have the will power in me and i just don't have to wait for special occasions for doing this. If anyone wants to resolve anything in their life, why do they want to wait for special occasions is still a big question mark for me and i feel these things are a kind of motivation for them to increase their will power. At last it really sounds silly if you see them fail in their tasks. In my life if i decide on something, i just don't wait for tomorrow and like to start almost immediately

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